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Volume 59(1); January 2021
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Journal Articles
Vagococcus zengguangii sp. nov., isolated from yak faeces
Yajun Ge , Dong Jin , Xin-He Lai , Jing Yang , Shan Lu , Ying Huang , Han Zheng , Xiaoyan Zhang , Jianguo Xu
J. Microbiol. 2021;59(1):1-9.   Published online December 23, 2020
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Two unknown Gram-stain-positive, catalase- and oxidasenegative, non-motile, and coccus-shaped bacteria, designated MN-17T and MN-09, were isolated from yaks faeces (Bos grunniens) in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China. 16S rRNA gene sequence-based comparative analyses revealed that the two strains were grouped within the genus Vagococcus, displaying the highest similarity with Vagococcus xieshaowenii CGMCC 1.16436T (98.6%) and Vagococcus elongatus CCUG 51432T (96.4%). Both strains grew optimally at 37°C and pH 7.0 in the presence of 0.5% (w/v) NaCl. The complete genome of MN-17T comprises 2,085 putative genes with a total of 2,190,262 bp and an average G + C content of 36.7 mol%. The major fatty acids were C16:0 (31.2%), C14:0 (28.5%), and C18:1ω9c (13.0%); the predominant respiratory quinone was MK-7 (68.8%); the peptidoglycan type was A4α(L-Lys-DAsp); and the major polar lipid was diphosphatidylglycerol. Together, these supported the affiliation of strain MN-17T to the genus Vagococcus. In silico DNA-DNA hybridization and the average nucleotide identity values between MN-17T and all recognized species in the genus were 21.6–26.1% and 70.7–83.0%, respectively. MN-17T produced acid from D-cellobiose, D-fructose, glycerol, D-glucose, N-acetyl-glucosamine, gentiobiose, D-mannose, D-maltose, D-ribose, Dsaccharose, salicin, D-trehalose, and D-xylose. These results distinguished MN-17T and MN-09 from closely related species in Vagococcus. Thus, we propose that strains MN-17T and MN-09 represent a novel species in the genus Vagococcus, with the name Vagococcus zengguangii sp. The type strain is MN-17T (= CGMCC 1.16726T = GDMCC 1.1589T = JCM 33478T).
Monthly distribution of ammonia-oxidizing microbes in a tropical bay
Tie-Qiang Mao , Yan-Qun Li , Hong-Po Dong , Wen-Na Yang , Li-Jun Hou
J. Microbiol. 2021;59(1):10-19.   Published online November 17, 2020
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Ammonia oxidation, performed by ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB), plays a critical role in the cycle of nitrogen in the ocean. For now, environmental variables controlling distribution of ammonia-oxidizing microbes are still largely unknown in oceanic environments. In this study, we used real-time quantitative PCR and high-throughput sequencing
to investigate the abundance and diversity of AOA and AOB from sediment and water in Zhanjiang Bay. Phylogenic analysis revealed that the majority of AOA amoA sequences in water and sediment were affiliated with the genus Nitrosopumilus, whereas the Nitrosotalea cluster was only detected with low abundance in water. Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira dominated AOB amoA sequences in water and sediment, respectively. The amoA copy numbers of both AOA and AOB varied significantly with month for both sediment and water. When water and sediment temperature dropped to 17– 20°C in December and February, respectively, the copy number of AOB amoA genes increased markedly and was much higher than for AOA amoA genes. Also, AOA abundance in water peaked in December when water temperature was lowest (17–20°C). Stepwise multiple regression analyses revealed that temperature was the most key factor driving monthly changes of AOA or AOB abundance. It is inferred that low water temperature may inhibit growth of phytoplankton and other microbes and so reduce competition for a common substrate, ammonium.
Diversity and composition of microbiota during fermentation of traditional Nuodeng ham
Xiao-mei Zhang , Xi-jun Dang , Yuan-bing Wang , Tao Sun , Yao Wang , Hong Yu , Wu-song Yang
J. Microbiol. 2021;59(1):20-28.   Published online December 23, 2020
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The microbial community is one of the most important factors in shaping the characteristics of fermented food. Nuodeng ham, traditionally produced and subjected to 1–4 years of fermentation, is a dry fermented food product with cultural and economic significance to locals in southwestern China. In this study, we aimed to characterize the microbiota and physicochemical profiles of Nuodeng ham across different stages of fermentation. Ham samples from each of the four years were analyzed by sequencing bacterial 16S rRNA gene and fungal internal transcribed spacer sequence, in order to characterize the diversity and composition of their microflora. A total of 2,679,483 bacterial and 2,983,234 fungal sequences of high quality were obtained and assigned to 514 and 57 genera, respectively. Among these microbes, Staphylococcus and Candida were the most abundant genera observed in the ham samples, though samples from different years showed differences in their microbial abundance. Results of physicochemical properties (pH, water, amino acid, NaCl, nitrate and nitrite contents, and the composition of volatile compounds) revealed differences among the ham samples in the composition of volatile compounds, especially in the third year samples, in which no nitrite was detected. These results suggest that the structure and diversity of microbial communities significantly differed across different stages of fermentation. Moreover, the third year hams exhibits a unique and balanced microbial community, which might contribute to the special flavor in the green and safe food products. Thus, our study lends insights into the production of high quality Nuodeng ham.
Extracellular products-mediated interspecific interaction between Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli
Yang Yuan , Jing Li , Jiafu Lin , Wenjuan Pan , Yiwen Chu , Balakrishnan Prithiviraj , Yidong Guo , Xinrong Wang , Kelei Zhao
J. Microbiol. 2021;59(1):29-40.   Published online December 23, 2020
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The Gram-negative pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa adopts several elaborate strategies to colonize a wide range of natural or clinical niches and to overcome the neighboring bacterial competitors in polymicrobial communities. However, the relationship and interaction mechanism of P. aeruginosa with other bacterial pathogens remains largely unexplored. Here we explore the interaction dynamics of P. aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, which frequently coinfect the lungs of immunocompromised hosts, by using a series of on-plate proximity assays and RNA-sequencing. We show that the extracellular products of P. aeruginosa can inhibit the growth of neighboring E. coli and induce a large-scale of transcriptional reprogramming of E. coli, especially in terms of cellular respiration- related primary metabolisms and membrane components. In contrast, the presence of E. coli has no significant effect on the growth of P. aeruginosa in short-term culture, but causes a dysregulated expression of genes positively controlled by the quorum-sensing (QS) system of P. aeruginosa during subsequent pairwise culture. We further demonstrate that the divergent QS-regulation of P. aeruginosa may be related to the function of the transcriptional regulator PqsR, which can be enhanced by E. coli culture supernatant to increase the pyocyanin production by P. aeruginosa in the absence of the central las-QS system. Moreover, the extracellular products of E. coli promote the proliferation and lethality of P. aeruginosa in infecting the Caenorhabditis elegans model. The current study provides a general characterization of the extracellular products-mediated interactions between P. aeruginosa and E. coli, and may facilitate the understanding of polymicrobial infections.
Genetic linkage map construction and quantitative trait loci mapping of agronomic traits in Gloeostereum incarnatum
Wan-Zhu Jiang , Fang-Jie Yao , Li-Xin Lu , Ming Fang , Peng Wang , You-Min Zhang , Jing-Jing Meng , Jia Lu , Xiao-Xu Ma , Qi He , Kai-Sheng Shao
J. Microbiol. 2021;59(1):41-50.   Published online November 17, 2020
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Gloeostereum incarnatum is an edible medicinal mushroom widely grown in China. Using the whole genome of G. incarnatum, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed and synthetic primers were designed to construct its first genetic linkage map. The 1,048.6 cm map is composed of 10 linkage groups and contains 183 SSR markers. In total, 112 genome assembly sequences were anchored, representing 16.43 Mb and covering 46.41% of the genome. Selfing populations were used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) targeting, and the composite interval mapping method was used to co-localize the mycelium growth rate (potato dextrose agar and sawdust), growth period, yield and fruiting body length, and width and thickness. The 14 QTLs of agronomic traits had LOD values of 3.20–6.51 and contribution rates of 2.22– 13.18%. No linkage relationship was found between the mycelium growth rate and the growth period, but a linkage relationship was observed among the length, width and thickness of the fruiting bodies. Using NCBI’s BLAST alignment, the genomic sequences corresponding to the QTL regions were compared, and a TPR-like protein candidate gene was selected. Using whole-genome data, 138 candidate genes were found in four sequence fragments of two SSR markers located in the same scaffold. The genetic map and QTLs established in this study will aid in developing selective markers for agronomic traits and identifying corresponding genes, thereby providing a scientific basis for the further gene mapping of quantitative traits and the marker-assisted selection of functional genes in G. incarnatum breeding programs.
The synergy effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi symbiosis and exogenous calcium on bacterial community composition and growth performance of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in saline alkali soil
Dunwei Ci , Zhaohui Tang , Hong Ding , Li Cui , Guanchu Zhang , Shangxia Li , Liangxiang Dai , Feifei Qin , Zhimeng Zhang , Jishun Yang , Yang Xu
J. Microbiol. 2021;59(1):51-63.   Published online November 17, 2020
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Peanut (Arachis hypogaea. L) is an important oil seed crop. Both arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) symbiosis and calcium (Ca2+) application can ameliorate the impact of saline soil on peanut production, and the rhizosphere bacterial communities are also closely correlated with peanut salt tolerance; however, whether AMF and Ca2+ can withstand high-salinity through or partially through modulating rhizosphere bacterial communities is unclear. Here, we used the rhizosphere bacterial DNA from saline alkali soil treated with AMF and Ca2+ alone or together to perform high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. Taxonomic analysis revealed that AMF and Ca2+ treatment increased the abundance of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes at the phylum level. The nitrogenfixing bacterium Sphingomonas was the dominant genus in these soils at the genus level, and the soil invertase and urease activities were also increased after AMF and Ca2+ treatment, implying that AMF and Ca2+ effectively improved the living environment of plants under salt stress. Moreover, AMF combined with Ca2+ was better than AMF or Ca2+ alone at altering the bacterial structure and improving peanut growth in saline alkali soil. Together, AMF and Ca2+ applications are conducive to peanut salt adaption by regulating the bacterial community in saline alkali soil.
The putative polysaccharide synthase AfCps1 regulates Aspergillus fumigatus morphogenesis and conidia immune response in mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages
Sha Wang , Anjie Yuan , Liping Zeng , Sikai Hou , Meng Wang , Lei Li , Zhendong Cai , Guowei Zhong
J. Microbiol. 2021;59(1):64-75.   Published online November 17, 2020
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Aspergillus fumigatus is a well-known opportunistic pathogen that causes invasive aspergillosis (IA) infections with high mortality in immunosuppressed individuals. Morphogenesis, including hyphal growth, conidiation, and cell wall biosynthesis is crucial in A. fumigatus pathogenesis. Based on a previous random insertional mutagenesis library, we identified the putative polysaccharide synthase gene Afcps1 and its paralog Afcps2. Homologs of the cps gene are commonly found in the genomes of most fungal and some bacterial pathogens. Afcps1/cpsA is important in sporulation, cell wall composition, and virulence. However, the precise regulation patterns of cell wall integrity by Afcps1/cpsA and further effects on the immune response are poorly understood. Specifically, our in-depth study revealed that Afcps1 affects cell-wall stability, showing an increased resistance of ΔAfcps1 to the chitinmicrofibril destabilizing compound calcofluor white (CFW) and susceptibility of ΔAfcps1 to the β-(1,3)-glucan synthase inhibitor echinocandin caspofungin (CS). Additionally, deletion of Afcps2 had a normal sporulation phenotype but caused hypersensitivity to Na+ stress, CFW, and Congo red (CR). Specifically, quantitative analysis of cell wall composition using high-performance anion exchange chromatography- pulsed amperometric detector (HPAEC-PAD) analysis revealed that depletion of Afcps1 reduced cell wall glucan and chitin contents, which was consistent with the downregulation of expression of the corresponding biosynthesis genes. Moreover, an elevated immune response stimulated by conidia of the ΔAfcps1 mutant in marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) during phagocytosis was observed. Thus, our study provided new insights into the function of polysaccharide synthase Cps1, which is necessary for the maintenance of cell wall stability and the adaptation of conidia to the immune response of macrophages in A. fumigatus.
Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 and NAD(H)-linked methylglyoxal oxidoreductase reciprocally regulate glutathione-dependent enzyme activities in Candida albicans
Sa-Ouk Kang , Min-Kyu Kwak
J. Microbiol. 2021;59(1):76-91.   Published online December 23, 2020
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Glutathione reductase (Glr1) activity controls cellular glutathione and reactive oxygen species (ROS). We previously demonstrated two predominant methylglyoxal scavengers– NAD(H)-linked methylglyoxal oxidoreductase (Mgd1) and alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (Adh1)–in glutathione-depleted γ- glutamyl cysteinyl synthetase-disrupted Candida albicans. However, experimental evidence for Candida pathophysiology lacking the enzyme activities of Mgd1 and Adh1 on glutathione- dependent redox regulation remains unclear. Herein, we have aimed to demonstrate that glutathione-dependent enzyme activities coupled with cellular ROS changes is regulated by methylglyoxal accumulation in Δmgd1/Δadh1 double disruptants. Δmgd1/Δadh1 showed severe growth defects and G1-phase cell cycle arrest. The observed complementary and reciprocal methylglyoxal-oxidizing and methylglyoxalreducing activities between Δmgd1 and Δadh1 were not always exhibited in Δmgd1/Δadh1. Although intracellular accumulation of methylglyoxal and pyruvate was shown in all disruptants, to a greater or lesser degree, methylglyoxal was particularly accumulated in the Δmgd1/Δadh1 double disruptant. While cellular ROS significantly increased in Δmgd1 and Δadh1 as compared to the wild-type, Δmgd1/Δadh1 underwent a decrease in ROS in contrast to Δadh1. Despite the experimental findings underlining the importance of the undergoing unbalanced redox state of Δmgd1/Δadh1, glutathione- independent antioxidative enzyme activities did not change during proliferation and filamentation. Contrary to the significantly lowered glutathione content and Glr1 enzyme activity, the activity staining-based glutathione peroxidase activities concomitantly increased in this mutant. Additionally, the enhanced GLR1 transcript supported our results in Δmgd1/Δadh1, indicating that deficiencies of both Adh1 and Mgd1 activities stimulate specific glutathione-dependent enzyme activities. This suggests that glutathione-dependent redox regulation is evidently linked to C. albicans pathogenicity under the control of methylglyoxal-scavenging activities.
The cytoplasmic loops of AgrC contribute to the quorum-sensing activity of Staphylococcus aureus
Qian Huang , Yihui Xie , Ziyu Yang , Danhong Cheng , Lei He , Hua Wang , Qian Liu , Min Li
J. Microbiol. 2021;59(1):92-100.   Published online November 17, 2020
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In Staphylococcus aureus, the accessory gene regulator (agr) quorum-sensing system is thought to play an important role in biofilm formation. The histidine kinase AgrC is one of the agr system components and activated by the self-generated auto-inducing peptide (AIP), which is released continuously into the extracellular environment during bacterial growth. The extracellular loops (Extra-loops) of AgrC are crucial for AIP binding. Here, we reported that the cytoplasmic loops (Cyto-loops) of AgrC are also involved in Agr activity. We identified S. aureus ST398 clinical isolates containing a naturally occurring single amino acid substitution (lysine to isoleucine) at position 73 of an AgrC Cyto-loop that exhibited significantly stronger biofilm formation and decreased Agr activity compared to the wild-type strain. A constructed strain containing the K73I point mutation in AgrC Cyto-loop continued to show a growth dependent induction of the agr system, although the growth dependent induction was delayed by about 6 h compared to the wild-type. In addition, a series of strains containing deletion mutants of the AgrC Cyto- and Extra-loops were constructed and revealed that the removal of the two Cyto-loops and Extra-loops 2 and 3 totally abolished the Agr activity and the growth-dependence on the agr system induction. Remarkably, the Extra-loop 1 deletion did not affect the Agr activity. In conclusion, the AgrC Cyto-loops play a crucial role in the S. aureus quorum-sensing activity.
Adenosylhomocysteinase like 1 interacts with nonstructural 5A and regulates hepatitis C virus propagation
Yun-Sook Lim , Han N. Mai , Lap P. Nguyen , Sang Min Kang , Dongseob Tark , Soon B. Hwang
J. Microbiol. 2021;59(1):101-109.   Published online December 23, 2020
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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) life cycle is highly dependent on cellular proteins for viral propagation. In order to identify the cellular factors involved in HCV propagation, we previously performed a protein microarray assay using the HCV nonstructural 5A (NS5A) protein as a probe. Of ~9,000 human cellular proteins immobilized in a microarray, adenosylhomocysteinase like 1 (AHCYL1) was among 90 proteins identified as NS5A interactors. Of these candidates, AHCYL1 was selected for further study. In the present study, we verified the physical interaction between NS5A and AHCYL1 by both in vitro pulldown and coimmunoprecipitation assays. Furthermore, HCV NS5A interacted with endogenous AHCYL1 in Jc1-infected cells. Both NS5A and AHCYL1 were colocalized in the cytoplasmic region in HCV-replicating cells. siRNAmediated knockdown of AHCYL1 abrogated HCV propagation. Exogenous expression of the siRNA-resistant AHCYL1 mutant, but not of the wild-type AHCYL1, restored HCV protein expression levels, indicating that AHCYL1 was required specifically for HCV propagation. Importantly, AHCYL1 was involved in the HCV internal ribosome entry site-mediated translation step of the HCV life cycle. Finally, we demonstrated that the proteasomal degradation pathway of AHCYL1 was modulated by persistent HCV infection. Collectively, these data suggest that HCV may modulate the AHCYL1 protein to promote viral propagation.
Published Erratum
[Erratum]Aeromicrobium endophyticum sp. nov., an endophytic actinobacteriumAeromicrobium endophyticum sp. nov., an endophytic actinobacterium
Fei-Na Li , Shui-Lin Liao , Shao-Wei Liu , Tao Jin , Cheng-Hang Sun
J. Microbiol. 2021;59(1):110-111.
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Journal of Microbiology : Journal of Microbiology