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Volume 62(7); July 2024
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Adenoviral Vector System: A Comprehensive Overview of Constructions, Therapeutic Applications and Host Responses.
Anyeseu Park, Jeong Yoon Lee
J. Microbiol. 2024;62(7):491-509.   Published online July 22, 2024
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Adenoviral vectors are crucial for gene therapy and vaccine development, offering a platform for gene delivery into host cells. Since the discovery of adenoviruses, first-generation vectors with limited capacity have evolved to third-generation vectors flacking viral coding sequences, balancing safety and gene-carrying capacity. The applications of adenoviral vectors for gene therapy and anti-viral treatments have expanded through the use of in vitro ligation and homologous recombination, along with gene editing advancements such as CRISPR-Cas9. Current research aims to maintain the efficacy and safety of adenoviral vectors by addressing challenges such as pre-existing immunity against adenoviral vectors and developing new adenoviral vectors from rare adenovirus types and non-human species. In summary, adenoviral vectors have great potential in gene therapy and vaccine development. Through continuous research and technological advancements, these vectors are expected to lead to the development of safer and more effective treatments.
Journal Articles
Delineating the Acquired Genetic Diversity and Multidrug Resistance in Alcaligenes from Poultry Farms and Nearby Soil.
Abhilash Bhattacharjee, Anil Kumar Singh
J. Microbiol. 2024;62(7):511-523.   Published online June 21, 2024
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Alcaligenes faecalis is one of the most important and clinically significant environmental pathogens, increasing in importance due to its isolation from soil and nosocomial environments. The Gram-negative soil bacterium is associated with skin endocarditis, bacteremia, dysentery, meningitis, endophthalmitis, urinary tract infections, and pneumonia in patients. With emerging antibiotic resistance in A. faecalis, it has become crucial to understand the origin of such resistance genes within this clinically significant environmental and gut bacterium. In this research, we studied the impact of antibiotic overuse in poultry and its effect on developing resistance in A. faecalis. We sampled soil and faecal materials from five poultry farms, performed whole genome sequencing & analysis and identified four strains of A. faecalis. Furthermore, we characterized the genes in the genomic islands of A. faecalis isolates. We found four multidrug-resistant A. faecalis strains that showed resistance against vancomycin (MIC >1000 μg/ml), ceftazidime (50 μg/ml), colistin (50 μg/ml) and ciprofloxacin (50 μg/ml). From whole genome comparative analysis, we found more than 180 resistance genes compared to the reference sequence. Parts of our assembled contigs were found to be similar to different bacteria which included pbp1A and pbp2 imparting resistance to amoxicillin originally a part of Helicobacter and Bordetella pertussis. We also found the Mycobacterial insertion element IS6110 in the genomic islands of all four genomes. This prominent insertion element can be transferred and induce resistance to other bacterial genomes. The results thus are crucial in understanding the transfer of resistance genes in the environment and can help in developing regimes for antibiotic use in the food and poultry industry.
Licochalcone A Protects Vaginal Epithelial Cells Against Candida albicans Infection Via the TLR4/NF-κB Signaling Pathway.
Wei Li, Yujun Yin, Taoqiong Li, Yiqun Wang, Wenyin Shi
J. Microbiol. 2024;62(7):525-533.   Published online May 31, 2024
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Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is a prevalent condition affecting a significant portion of women worldwide. Licochalcone A (LA), a natural compound with diverse biological activities, holds promise as a protective agent against Candida albicans (C. albicans) infection. This study aims to investigate the potential of LA to safeguard vaginal epithelial cells (VECs) from C. albicans infection and elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms. To simulate VVC in vitro, VK2-E6E7 cells were infected with C. albicans. Candida albicans biofilm formation, C. albicans adhesion to VK2-E6E7 cells, and C. albicans-induced cell damage and inflammatory responses were assessed by XTT reduction assay, fluorescence assay, LDH assay, and ELISA. CCK-8 assay was performed to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of LA on VK2-E6E7 cells. Western blotting assay was performed to detect protein expression. LA dose-dependently hindered C. albicans biofilm formation and adhesion to VK2-E6E7 cells. Furthermore, LA mitigated cell damage, inhibited the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, and attenuated the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in C. albicans-induced VK2-E6E7 cells. The investigation into LA's impact on the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) pathway revealed that LA downregulated TLR4 expression and inhibited NF-κB activation in C. albicans-infected VK2-E6E7 cells. Furthermore, TLR4 overexpression partially abated LA-mediated protection, further highlighting the role of the TLR4/NF-κB pathway. LA holds the potential to safeguard VECs against C. albicans infection, potentially offering therapeutic avenues for VVC management.
Repeated Exposure of Vancomycin to Vancomycin-Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (VSSA) Parent Emerged VISA and VRSA Strains with Enhanced Virulence Potentials.
An Nguyen, J Jean Sophy Roy, Ji-Hoon Kim, Kyung-Hee Yun, Wonsik Lee, Kyeong Kyu Kim, Truc Kim, Akhilesh Kumar Chaurasia
J. Microbiol. 2024;62(7):535-553.   Published online May 30, 2024
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The emergence of resistance against the last-resort antibiotic vancomycin in staphylococcal infections is a serious concern for human health. Although various drug-resistant pathogens of diverse genetic backgrounds show higher virulence potential, the underlying mechanism behind this is not yet clear due to variability in their genetic dispositions. In this study, we investigated the correlation between resistance and virulence in adaptively evolved isogenic strains. The vancomycin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus USA300 was exposed to various concentrations of vancomycin repeatedly as a mimic of the clinical regimen to obtain mutation(s)-accrued-clonally-selected (MACS) strains. The phenotypic analyses followed by expression of the representative genes responsible for virulence and resistance of MACS strains were investigated. MACS strains obtained under 2 and 8 µg/ml vancomycin, named Van2 and Van8, respectively; showed enhanced vancomycin minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) to 4 and 16 µg/ml, respectively. The cell adhesion and invasion of MACS strains increased in proportion to their MICs. The correlation between resistance and virulence potential was partially explained by the differential expression of genes known to be involved in both virulence and resistance in MACS strains compared to parent S. aureus USA300. Repeated treatment of vancomycin against vancomycin-susceptible S. aureus (VSSA) leads to the emergence of vancomycin-resistant strains with variable levels of enhanced virulence potentials.
Genetically Engineered CLDN18.2 CAR-T Cells Expressing Synthetic PD1/CD28 Fusion Receptors Produced Using a Lentiviral Vector.
Heon Ju Lee, Seo Jin Hwang, Eun Hee Jeong, Mi Hee Chang
J. Microbiol. 2024;62(7):555-568.   Published online May 3, 2024
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This study aimed to develop synthetic Claudin18.2 (CLDN18.2) chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T (CAR-T) cells as a treatment for advanced gastric cancer using lentiviral vector genetic engineering technology that targets the CLDN18.2 antigen and simultaneously overcomes the immunosuppressive environment caused by programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1). Synthetic CAR T cells are a promising approach in cancer immunotherapy but face many challenges in solid tumors. One of the major problems is immunosuppression caused by PD-1. CLDN18.2, a gastric-specific membrane protein, is considered a potential therapeutic target for gastric and other cancers. In our study, CLDN18.2 CAR was a second-generation CAR with inducible T-cell costimulatory (CD278), and CLDN18.2-PD1/CD28 CAR was a third-generation CAR, wherein the synthetic PD1/CD28 chimeric-switch receptor (CSR) was added to the second-generation CAR. In vitro, we detected the secretion levels of different cytokines and the killing ability of CAR-T cells. We found that the secretion of cytokines such as interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) secreted by three types of CAR-T cells was increased, and the killing ability against CLDN18.2-positive GC cells was enhanced. In vivo, we established a xenograft GC model and observed the antitumor effects and off-target toxicity of CAR-T cells. These results support that synthetic anti-CLDN18.2 CAR-T cells have antitumor effect and anti-CLDN18.2-PD1/CD28 CAR could provide a promising design strategy to improve the efficacy of CAR-T cells in advanced gastric cancer.
Medium Chain Length Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production by Engineered Pseudomonas gessardii Using Acetate-formate as Carbon Sources.
Woo Young Kim, Seung-Jin Kim, Hye-Rin Seo, Yoonyong Yang, Jong Seok Lee, Moonsuk Hur, Byoung-Hee Lee, Jong-Geol Kim, Min-Kyu Oh
J. Microbiol. 2024;62(7):569-579.   Published online May 3, 2024
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Production of medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate (mcl-PHA) was attempted using Pseudomonas gessardii NIBRBAC000509957, which was isolated from Sunchang, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea (35°24'27.7"N, 127°09'13.0"E) and effectively utilized acetate and formate as carbon sources. We first evaluated the utilization of acetate as a carbon source, revealing optimal growth at 5 g/L acetate. Then, formate was supplied to the acetate minimal medium as a carbon source to enhance cell growth. After overexpressing the acetate and formate assimilation pathway enzymes, this strain grew at a significantly higher rate in the medium. As this strain naturally produces PHA, it was further engineered metabolically to enhance mcl-PHA production. The engineered strain produced 0.40 g/L of mcl-PHA with a biomass content of 30.43% in fed-batch fermentation. Overall, this strain can be further developed to convert acetate and formate into valuable products.

Journal of Microbiology : Journal of Microbiology