RraA is a protein inhibitor of RNase E (Rne), which catalyzes the endoribonucleolytic cleavage of a large proportion of RNAs in Escherichia coli. The antibiotic‐producing bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor also contains homologs of RNase E and RraA, designated as RNase ES (Rns), RraAS1, and RraAS2, respectively. Here, we report that RraAS2 requires both scaffold domains of RNase ES for high-affinity binding and inhibitory action on the ribonucleolytic activity. Analyses of the steady-state level of RNase E substrates indicated that coexpression of RraAS2 in E. coli cells overproducing Rns effectively inhibits the ribonucleolytic activity of full-length RNase ES, but its inhibitory effects were moderate or undetectable on other truncated forms of Rns, in which the N- or/and C-terminal scaffold domain was deleted. In addition, RraAS2 more efficiently inhibited the in vitro ribonucleolytic activity of RNase ES than that of a truncated form containing the catalytic domain only. Coimmunoprecipitation and in vivo cross-linking experiments further showed necessity of both scaffold domains of RNase ES for high-affinity binding of RraAS2 to the enzyme, resulting in decreased RNA-binding capacity of RNase ES. Our results indicate that RraAS2 is a protein inhibitor of RNase ES and provide clues to how this inhibitor affects the ribonucleolytic activity of RNase ES.