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HOME > J. Microbiol > Volume 34(1); 1996 > Article
Quantitative analysis of gene expression pattern in aspergillus nidulans mycelia by sequencing of 3'-directed cDNA clones
Park, Yoon Dong , Lee, Dong Whan , Lee, Seog Jae 1, Kim, Jong Hwa 2, Chae, Keon Sang
Journal of Microbiology 1996;34(1):23-29.

Department of Molecular Biiology; ¹Department of Chemistry, Chonbuk National University; ²Department of Food Science and Engineering, Woosuk UniversityDepartment of Molecular Biiology; ¹Department of Chemistry, Chonbuk National University; ²Department of Food Science and Engineering, Woosuk University
Corresponding author:  Chae, Keon Sang ,
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Since sequencing of randomly selected cDNA clones has been known to be a powerful approach to obtain information on gene expression pattern in specific cells or tissues, we have analyzed a 3'-directed cDNA library of vegetative mycelia of A. nidulans by single-pass sequencing of hundreds of randomly selected clones. Sequencing of 292 cDNA clones yielded 209 gene signatures (GSs) probably representing highly or lesser expressed genes in the vegetative mycelia. Among the 209 GSs, 25 (79 cDNA clones) appeared more than once and 184 only once. One GS appeared at a highest frequency of 6 times, 2 GSs5 times, 4 GSs 4 times, a GSs 3 times and 16 GSs twice. About 6.6% GSs comprizing of 13 GSs showed alternative polyadenylation. Among 23 redundant GSs, three were common in both mycelia and sexual organs, and 22 were probably mycelia-specific. Out of 209 GSs, 36 were identified in GenBank showing of 70% or greater similaritis. Only six GSs were for A. nidulans genes, and 13 GSs were of DNA or genes encoding cytoplasmic or organellar proteins. This pattern is similar to those in the human HepG2 cell line and in human colonic mucosa, although very few genes for nuclear proteins and for protein synthesis were in A. nidulans.

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    Quantitative analysis of gene expression pattern in aspergillus nidulans mycelia by sequencing of 3'-directed cDNA clones
    J. Microbiol. 1996;34(1):23-29.
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Journal of Microbiology : Journal of Microbiology