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Volume 61(11); November 2023
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Journal Articles
A Method for Physical Analysis of Recombination Intermediates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Kiwon Rhee , Hyungseok Choi , Keun P. Kim , Jeong H. Joo
J. Microbiol. 2023;61(11):939-951.   Published online December 11, 2023
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Meiosis is a process through which diploid cells divide into haploid cells, thus promoting genetic diversity. This diversity arises from the formation of genetic crossovers (COs) that repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), through homologous recombination (HR). Deficiencies in HR can lead to chromosomal abnormality resulting from chromosomal nondisjunction, and genetic disorders. Therefore, investigating the mechanisms underlying effective HR is crucial for reducing genome instability. Budding yeast serves as an ideal model for studying HR mechanisms due to its amenability to gene modifications and the ease of inducing synchronized meiosis to yield four spores. During meiosis, at the DNA level, programmed DSBs are repaired as COs or non-crossovers (NCOs) through structural alterations in the nascent D-loop, involving single-end invasions (SEIs) and double-Holliday junctions (dHJs). This repair occurs using homologous templates rather than sister templates. This protocol, using Southern blotting, allows for the analysis and monitoring of changes in DNA structures in the recombination process. One-dimensional (1D) gel electrophoresis is employed to detect DSBs, COs, and NCOs, while twodimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis is utilized to identify joint molecules (JMs). Therefore, physical analysis is considered the most effective method for investigating the HR mechanism. Our protocol provides more comprehensive information than previous reports by introducing conditions for obtaining a greater number of cells from synchronized yeast and a method that can analyze not only meiotic/mitotic recombination but also mitotic replication.
Dynamics of Microbial Community Structure, Function and Assembly Mechanism with Increasing Stand Age of Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii) Plantations in Houtian Sandy Area, South China
Xiaoyang Zhang , Si-Yi Xiong , Xiukun Wu , Bei-Bei Zeng , Yang-Mei Mo , Zhi-Cheng Deng , Qi Wei , Yang Gao , Licao Cui , Jianping Liu , Haozhi Long
J. Microbiol. 2023;61(11):953-966.   Published online November 29, 2023
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Establishing slash pine plantations is the primary method for restoring sandification land in the Houtian area of South China. However, the microbial variation pattern with increasing stand age remains unclear. In this study, we investigated microbial community structure and function in bare sandy land and four stand age gradients, exploring ecological processes that determine their assembly. We did not observe a significant increase in the absolute abundance of bacteria or fungi with stand age. Bacterial communities were dominated by Chloroflexi, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Acidobacteria; the relative abundance of Chloroflexi significantly declined while Proteobacteria and Acidobacteria significantly increased with stand age. Fungal communities showed succession at the genus level, with Pisolithus most abundant in soils of younger stands (1- and 6-year-old). Turnover of fungal communities was primarily driven by stochastic processes; both deterministic and stochastic processes influenced the assembly of bacterial communities, with the relative importance of stochastic processes gradually increasing with stand age. Bacterial and fungal communities showed the strongest correlation with the diameter at breast height, followed by soil available phosphorus and water content. Notably, there was a significant increase in the relative abundance of functional groups involved in nitrogen fixation and uptake as stand age increased. Overall, this study highlights the important effects of slash pine stand age on microbial communities in sandy lands and suggests attention to the nitrogen and phosphorus requirements of slash pine plantations in the later stages of sandy management.
Transcriptomic Insights into Archaeal Nitrification in the Amundsen Sea Polynya, Antarctica
Joo-Han Gwak , Samuel Imisi Awala , So-Jeong Kim , Sang-Hoon Lee , Eun-Jin Yang , Jisoo Park , Jinyoung Jung , Sung-Keun Rhee
J. Microbiol. 2023;61(11):967-980.   Published online December 7, 2023
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Antarctic polynyas have the highest Southern Ocean summer primary productivity, and due to anthropogenic climate change, these areas have formed faster recently. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) are among the most ubiquitous and abundant microorganisms in the ocean and play a primary role in the global nitrogen cycle. We utilized metagenomics and metatranscriptomics to gain insights into the physiology and metabolism of AOA in polar oceans, which are associated with ecosystem functioning. A polar-specific ecotype of AOA, from the “Candidatus Nitrosomarinus”-like group, was observed to be dominant in the Amundsen Sea Polynya (ASP), West Antarctica, during a succession of summer phytoplankton blooms. AOA had the highest transcriptional activity among prokaryotes during the bloom decline phase (DC). Metatranscriptomic analysis of key genes involved in ammonia oxidation, carbon fixation, transport, and cell division indicated that this polar AOA ecotype was actively involved in nitrification in the bloom DC in the ASP. This study revealed the physiological and metabolic traits of this key polar-type AOA in response to phytoplankton blooms in the ASP and provided insights into AOA functions in polar oceans.
Functional Characterization of DNA N‑Glycosylase Ogg1 and Ntg1 in DNA Damage Stress of Cryptococcus neoformans
Kwang-Woo Jung , Sunhak Kwon , Jong-Hyun Jung , Sangyong Lim , Yong-Sun Bahn
J. Microbiol. 2023;61(11):981-992.   Published online December 6, 2023
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Reactive oxygen species induce DNA strand breaks and DNA oxidation. DNA oxidation leads to DNA mismatches, resulting in mutations in the genome if not properly repaired. Homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) are required for DNA strand breaks, whereas the base excision repair system mainly repairs oxidized DNAs, such as 8-oxoguanine and thymine glycol, by cleaving the glycosidic bond, inserting correct nucleotides, and sealing the gap. Our previous studies revealed that the Rad53-Bdr1 pathway mainly controls DNA strand breaks through the regulation of HRand NHEJ-related genes. However, the functional roles of genes involved in the base excision repair system remain elusive in Cryptococcus neoformans. In the present study, we identified OGG1 and NTG1 genes in the base excision repair system of C. neoformans, which are involved in DNA oxidation repair. The expression of OGG1 was induced in a Hog1-dependent manner under oxidative stress. On the other hand, the expression of NTG1 was strongly induced by DNA damage stress in a Rad53-independent manner. We demonstrated that the deletion of NTG1, but not OGG1, resulted in elevated susceptibility to DNA damage agents and oxidative stress inducers. Notably, the ntg1Δ mutant showed growth defects upon antifungal drug treatment. Although deletion of OGG1 or NTG1 did not increase mutation rates, the mutation profile of each ogg1Δ and ntg1Δ mutant was different from that of the wild-type strain. Taken together, we found that DNA N-glycosylase Ntg1 is required for oxidative DNA damage stress and antifungal drug resistance in C. neoformans.
Antimicrobial Efficacy of Allium cepa and Zingiber officinale Against the Milk‑Borne Pathogen Listeria monocytogenes
Abirami Arasu , Nagaram Prabha , Durga Devi , Praveen Kumar Issac , Khaloud Mohammed Alarjani , Dunia A. Al Farraj , Reem A. Aljeidi , Dina S. Hussein , Magesh Mohan , Jehad Zuhair Tayyeb , Ajay Guru , Jesu Arockiaraj
J. Microbiol. 2023;61(11):993-1011.   Published online December 4, 2023
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Listeria monocytogenes is an important food-borne pathogen that causes listeriosis and has a high case fatality rate despite its low incidence. Medicinal plants and their secondary metabolites have been identified as potential antibacterial substances, serving as replacements for synthetic chemical compounds. The present studies emphasize two significant medicinal plants, Allium cepa and Zingiber officinale, and their efficacy against L. monocytogenes. Firstly, a bacterial isolate was obtained from milk and identified through morphology and biochemical reactions. The species of the isolate were further confirmed through 16S rRNA analysis. Furthermore, polar solvents such as methanol and ethanol were used for the extraction of secondary metabolites from A. cepa and Z. officinale. Crude phytochemical components were identified using phytochemical tests, FTIR, and GC–MS. Moreover, the antibacterial activity of the crude extract and its various concentrations were tested against L. monocytogenes. Among all, A. cepa in methanolic extracts showed significant inhibitory activity. Since, the A. cepa for methanolic crude extract was used to perform autography to assess its bactericidal activity. Subsequently, molecular docking was performed to determine the specific compound inhibition. The docking results revealed that four compounds displayed strong binding affinity with the virulence factor Listeriolysin-O of L. monocytogenes. Based on the above results, it can be concluded that the medicinal plant A. cepa has potential antibacterial effects against L. monocytogenes, particularly targeting its virulence.

Journal of Microbiology : Journal of Microbiology