Human antibody responses to Streptococcus pneumoniae 6B, 14, and 19F capsular polysaccharide were analyzed. Thirty-one healthy young adults were immunized with the pneumococcal 23-valent PS vaccine. serum samples were obtained from them before and 1 month after vaccination. The amounts of total antibody, heavy chain and light chain isotypes were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Vaccination increased the total lebvels of anti6B, anti-14, and anti-19F PS antibodies by 3.4-fold, 3.8-fold and 4.1-fold, respectively. Some inantibody was predominant in the responses to the three PSs, and most of the IgG anti-PS antibodies were IgG2 isotype. There was no significant difference in the k and λresponses.